Assalamu’alaikum and Hello again. We are at Unit 3 Business Meeting
We have 3 meetings

Meeting 10 Study the materials, open your handout and watch the videos below; feel free to ask questions.

1. Video 1

2. Video 2

3. Video 3

4. Video 4

5. Video 5

6. Video 6

Meeting 11 Practicing the phrases of the business meeting below and share it at WAG

  • AUDIO 1 – Opening —-> Welcome, Objective
  • AUDIO 2- Closing —-> Wrapping up, Concluding
  • AUDIO 3 – Giving the opinion

If you are the chairperson please OPEN THE MEETINGS consisting of:
Example 1:
Well, since everyone is here, we should get started.
Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming today.
I think we’ll begin now. First I’d like to welcome you all.
Thank you all for coming at such short notice.
I really appreciate you all for attending today.
We have a lot to cover today, so we really should begin.

Example 2:
“Good morning / afternoon”
“Let’s begin”
“I’d like to welcome everyone”
“Since everyone is here, let’s get started”
“I’d like to thank everyone for coming today”
“I’m [your name]. I’ll keep this meeting brief as I know you’re all busy people”
“I’m [your name] and I arranged this meeting because…”

You are at marketing meeting. You may design any situation; e.g. Marketing strategies, Pricing, Promotion, Distribution and many more.

As you can all see here on the agenda we will be mainly talking about the upcoming tourist season. First we’ll discuss the groups that will be coming in from Japan. After that we’ll discuss the North American Tours, followed by the Korean tours. If time allows we will also discuss the Australian tours which are booked for early September. Next, I’m going to request some feedback from all of you concerning last year’s tours and where you think we can improve. And finally, we’ll be voting on where and when to have this year’s staff picnic.

If you are the chairperson please CLOSE THE MEETING consisting of:
*It looks like we’ve run out of time, so I guess we’ll finish here.
*I think we’ve covered everything on the list.
*I guess that will be all for today.
*Well, look at that…we’ve finished ahead of schedule for once.
*If no one has anything else to add, then I think we’ll wrap this up.
*I’m afraid we’re going to have to cut this meeting short. I’ve just been informed of a problem that needs my immediate attention.
“To summarize then, let me just run through what we’ve agreed here”
“Before we end, let me just summarize the three main points”
“To sum up what I’ve presented”
“That brings me to the end of my presentation, thank you for listening”

AUDIO 3 (You are the participant of a meeting)
You are in monthly marketing meeting. You are invited by the chairperson to present your ideas/ thought on programs for increasing the viewers on Social Media.

Express your idea and don’t forget to build the strong arguments on it.
End your presentation by saying one of these expressions;
“Are there any comments?”
“What do you think about this proposal?”
“Are there any areas of this project we are not thinking about?”

Meeting 12 Create a Virtual Business Meeting Video.

  • Make groups of 10 students in one group.
  • Make the draft in PPT
  • Practice the Business Meeting in Video
  • Deadline 1 May 2024 at your class blog.

Samples of scenario

Good luck. I welcome any comments.

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